How is Microsoft marketing Windows 11 – Guide

Microsoft will use the NFL season opener tonight to start pushing Windows 11 through a fantastical ad that seeks to inject a calming vibe into the operating system. The ad features images of people playing football and trees, with the text reading “Windows 11 is here. It’s time for you to take control.”

Microsoft is using the game’s expected large number of views to create buzz for the Windows update, which includes features aimed at making multitasking easier, which has become a necessity as more people work home during the pandemic. This includes functions designed to better organize and navigate between multiple windows open at the same time. Microsoft also connected features it claims to provide a better gaming experience, including a wider color gamut. ..

McCann New York’s ad for the “Halo” game features a woman sitting alone in a dark room, who opens up her laptop to see an otherworldly experience that dramatizes Windows functions. The ad connects gameplay functions through a cameo that triggers the “Warthog” all-terrain vehicle that will be featured in the next installment of the “Halo” game. The soundtrack is “All Starts Now” by Odessa.

Microsoft’s new ad campaign focuses on the experience of using its operating system, with a focus on the feel of the product. This is in line with Microsoft’s goal of creating an immersive and fluid experience for users.

“The way we live now on our PCs, you can get lost in it,” she says. “How much more can we do to get out of the way and facilitate its own flow? It’s really the philosophy of the operating system. We tried to portray that in that ad and that’s why we went on this fantasy journey.” ..

The campaign includes a mix of digital and outdoor advertising in order to reach a wider audience.

Since Windows 95 was released in 1995, enthusiasm for new Windows releases has waned. This is likely due to the lack of a massive campaign like the one that supported Windows 95. Additionally, celebrities like Jennifer Anniston and Mathew Perry no longer endorse new Windows releases. ..

Windows 10 remains a significant priority for Microsoft, which generates 14% of its revenue from Windows. The latest version, released in 2015, is Windows 10. ..

Windows is no longer the heart of Microsoft. The company has diversified its offerings, with cloud services like Azure or Microsoft 365 playing a more central role in the company’s revenue generation and growth.

Windows PCs will be critical to the success of the biggest change in a generation in the way we work – hybrid work that encompasses home company offices and offices.

The nearly 7 million views gained by a Microsoft video on YouTube on final June that connects Windows 11 features is exemplified by the nearly 7 million views gained by a video that was posted on the company’s website.

Final note

Microsoft is marketing Windows 11 as a more powerful and intuitive operating system that is easier to use than its predecessor, Windows 8.1. The company has released a number of videos and articles to help people learn more about the new software, and it has also created a support page on its website for those who need help learning how to use Windows 11.