How to start a YouTube video on mobile and continue watching it on PC – Guide

YouTube is introducing a new feature that will make it easier for you to continue watching your favorite videos when you leave your mobile device to the computer. ..

If you start watching a video on your Android or iOS device, you can continue by opening the web version of YouTube on your computer. ..

New YouTube Function “Keep Watching”

YouTube is introducing a new feature for its web version called “Keep Watching”. This function allows you to continue watching the videos you were watching on your mobile device in your computer. Yes, you can resume the video the minute you left it in your mobile device. ..

When you open YouTube in your browser, you’ll see a miniplayer at the bottom with your video half full. This way, you can resume your video the moment you left it, either by viewing it in the mini player or passing it to the normal player. ..

If you want to watch a video on your mobile device but continue to view it on your computer, you’ll need to start the video on your mobile device and then continue watching it on your computer.

This new dynamic replaces the old trick of having to go to the Library » History and search for recently played videos to rescue the ones we were watching mobile. Or the plan B that we always use, to save the videos in “Watch it later”, so as not to lose sight of those that caught the attention of the mobile device.

YouTube is releasing a new feature to all users with premium subscriptions, but it doesn’t seem to be exclusive to them. This means that it can only be hoped that this new YouTube function will be implemented for all users. ..

Final note

How to start a YouTube video on mobile and continue watching it on PC: In case you have any questions or concerns about this guide, please feel free to ask us. Additionally, please share this guide with your friends to help them learn how to start and continue watching YouTube videos on their mobile devices and computers. ..