Guide: How to View iCloud Tabs, Book­marks and Apps on Chrome Browser

But if you want to use a different web browser on your Mac, you can’t just copy and paste the address of the Safari browser into a new window. You have to open Safari and then type in the address of the other web browser.

Google Chrome is a popular web browser that can be used without losing your favorite iCloud features. ..

Chrome is a great browser for many reasons, but if you’re looking to sync your Safari bookmarks with iCloud, you may be disappointed. Check out these helpful tips and extensions to get iCloud sync working in Chrome. ..

iCloud Tabs in Chrome

If you’re browsing the web on your iPhone or iPad and need to switch to your Mac, it’s really convenient to be able to just open Tab View in Safari and see the tabs you already have open on those devices. You can choose with one click up exactly where you left off. ..

Apple doesn’t support iCloud sync via Chrome or any other browser. To fix this, install an app from GitHub called CloudyTabs.

CloudyTabs lets you open your iCloud tabs on all of your devices. When clicked, it will open the website on the device that is associated with your iCloud account.

CloudyTabs is a browser extension that lets you see your iCloud tabs while using a browser. ..

iCloud Bookmarks in Chrome

Apple has a extension in the Chrome Web Store that adds your iCloud bookmarks from your iPhone or iPad to Chrome. This keeps them in sync across all your devices.

This extension allows you to keep your iPhone and Mac in sync, without having to switch between the two devices.

To install the iCloud Bookmarks extension for Windows, go to the Chrome Web Store. ..

iCloud apps in Chrome

Chrome users can access their iCloud apps through the website or by using a Chrome extension called Launchpad for iCloud. ..

The new iCloud icon on your Chrome toolbar lets you quickly access all of the iCloud web apps, including Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Photos, iCloud Drive, Notes, Reminders, Pages, Numbers, Keynote, Find Friends and Find My iPhone.

Chrome’s iCloud integration gives it an edge over Safari when it comes to browsing the web.

Reading list in Chrome

Safari and Chrome both have a reading list feature. However, this trick only works on the Mac. To save a link to your reading list, Control-click the URL and hover over Services. Then choose Add to Reading List. ..

Chrome doesn’t let you view your reading list from the browser, so you can only save new entries. If you really want to switch to Chrome and miss the reading list, try Pocket of Readability.

In El Capitan, you can use split screen multitasking to have two windows open at the same time. To do this, you need to open one window and then close the other window.

How to View iCloud Tabs, Book­marks and Apps on Chrome Browser: benefits


Final note

How to View iCloud Tabs, Bookmarks and Apps on Chrome Browser If you’re using Chrome browser, you can easily view your iCloud tabs, bookmarks and apps. Here’s how:

  1. Open Chrome browser.
  2. Type “chrome://flags” in the address bar and hit enter. This will open a new window with a list of chromeflags options.
  3. Scroll down to the “Window Manager” section and change “NoScript” to “Yes”. This will disable some features of Chrome that can interfere with iCloud access, such as history tracking and cookies.
  4. Close the window that was created bychrome://flags.

If you have any questions about how to view iCloud tabs, bookmarks and apps on Chrome browser, please comment below or contact us directly. This guide is for educational purposes only. If you want to correct any misinformation about the guide, please contact us. If you want to add an alternate method to the guide, please contact us. Our contact page is here for any help. You may also use our social and accounts by following us on WhatsApp, Facebook, and Twitter for your questions. We always love to help you. We answer your questions within 24-48 hours (weekend off). ..