How to Use Con­di­tion­al For­mat­ting in Google Sheets – Guide

Google Sheets offers many advanced features that help separate the meaning of a pile of data. One of them, basic and at the same time amazing, is the restrictive formatting. This helps transform dull rows and columns of black text on white backgrounds into a shady, outwardly appealing dataset. This saves time and also makes the data more discernible and meaningful. ..

Google Sheets offers conditional formatting to help you understand data in a more meaningful way. This can be helpful when following objectives or when understanding the overall progress of a project. For example, if you want to know how many items are in each category, conditional formatting can help you do that.

conditional formatting in Google Sheets: the basics

What is Conditional Formatting

The Google Sheets cell appearance feature allows you to modify or change the appearance of cells, based on a single or set of rules. You can change various aspects of a cell, such as its background color, text type (Bold / Italic / Underline), conditional formatting, and more.

Rules – What Does It Mean

The first element is the condition, which is a Boolean expression. The second element is the format, which can be one of the following:

  • A color that will be used to highlight text that meets the condition.
  • A font size that will be used to increase or decrease the size of text that meets the condition.
  • A style that will be applied to all text that meets the condition. For example, this rule would make all text in a document blue if it’s less than 50% full:

The range defines the scope of the rule. For example, if you want to format cells B2 through B22, based on a condition, the range is set to 20 cells.

To format cells if their value is greater than 10, you need to define a condition. The condition can be anything that will trigger the formatting. In this example, we’ll use the value of the cell as the trigger event. ..

Cell style – sets the look and feel of a cell. For example, changing the background color to blue. ..

How to Use conditional formatting in Google Sheets

conditional formatting can be used to control how data is displayed in a cell, row, or column. It can be used to control how data is displayed based on certain conditions, such as whether the cell is a result of a selection or an equation.

Conditional formatting with numbers

On the left-hand side, you see the number of hours that the person has logged in for this month. On the right-hand side, you see how many hours they have logged in for each day of the month. If the person has logged in for 7 hours on every weekday that month, then they are logged in for at least 7 hours on every day of the month.

conditional formatting can be used to change the appearance of text based on a condition. For this scenario, we will use conditional formatting to change the color of text when a user clicks on a link.

Select the “Date” tab and click on the “Formatting Options” button. Under “Date Format”, select “Custom Date Format”. In the “Formatting Options” dialog box, enter “%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S” in the “Format String” field. Click on OK to apply the formatting. ..

This window provides a way to change the formatting of your text so that it is more conditional. By default, the single color guide will be used. You can select another color guide by clicking on it.

In the drop-down box titled Apply to Range, click the Table icon, select the range as C4:C33, and click OK.

The Formatting Rules drop-down box lets you choose how to format text. The Less than symbol means that the text is less than a certain size.

The value of 7 is the sum of the squares of the two other numbers in the box.

To change the text color, go to the Formatting Style section of the cell’s Format tab and select the desired color from the Text Color list. You can also change other formatting options, such as Bold, Italic, Underline, and Strikethrough. ..

The image above shows the percentage of days with a working day less than 7 in each column. The left-most column is for days with a working day of 7 or more, and the right-most column is for days with a working day of less than 7. The colors indicate how many days in that particular month there are. The left-most column is for days with a working day of 7 or more, and the right-most column is for days with a working day of less than 7. The colors indicate how many days in that particular month there are. Column C highlights Days With A Working Day Less Than 7, while Column B highlights Days With A Working Day Of More Than 7.

If the condition is true, the number will be displayed; if the condition is false, the number will not be displayed. The following conditions can be used to format numbers with conditional formatting:

  • If the condition is true, the number will be displayed; if the condition is false, the number will not be displayed.
  • If a value is given as an input to a conditional formatting function, it must match one of the conditions listed below.
  • If no value is given as an input to a conditional formatting function, all numbers will display according to their default values.

The image above shows the percentage of days with a working day less than 7 in each column. The left-most column is for days with a working day of 7 or more, and the right-most column is for days with a working day of less than 7. The colors indicate how many days in that particular month there are. The left-most column is for days with a working day of 7 or more, and the right-most column is for days with a working day of less than 7. The colors indicate how many days in that particular month there are. Column C highlights Days With A Working Day Less Than 7, while Column B highlights Days With A Working Day Of More Than 7.

If the condition is true, the number will be displayed; if the condition is false, the number will not be displayed. The following conditions can be used to format numbers with conditional formatting:

  • If the condition is true, the number will be displayed; if the condition is false, the number will not be displayed.
  • If a value is given as an input to a conditional formatting function, it must match one of the conditions listed below.
  • If no value is given as an input to a conditional formatting function, all numbers will display according to their default values.

To highlight employees who reside in Virginia, you can use Conditional Text Formatting to create a table like this: Estate Location 1 Virginia 2 New York City 3 Los Angeles

In the window, you’ll see a list of options called “Conditional Formatting.” The first option on the list is “Formatting for Tables.” Click on it to open the table formatting window. In the table formatting window, you’ll see a number of options. The first option is “Columns.” Click on it to change the column width. The second option is “Rows.” Click on it to change the row width. The third option is “Charset.” Click on it to change the character set for the table. The fourth option is “Data Type.” Click on it to choose which type of data to format according to. The fifth and final option is “Formatting for Headings.” Click on it to format headings according to a specific style.

In the drop-down box titled Apply to Range, click the Table icon, select the range as D4:D104, and click OK.

In the Format Rules drop-down box, select Text contains and type Virginia in the box provided below.

Then, under Formatting Style, you can change the cell text/background color or other options like Bold, Italic, Underline or Strikethrough. In this example, the Fill Color is set to Green. ..

Now, all employees who are located in Virginia are highlighted as follows: Now, all employees who are located in Virginia are highlighted as follows:

  • Conditional formatting with the text editor: To conditional format text with the text editor, use the following command: text.format("%s %s", date, “yyyy”)

A recent study has found that people who eat a balanced diet are more likely to live longer than those who don’t. The study, conducted by the University of Cambridge, looked at data from over a million people and found that those who ate a balanced diet were more likely to have a lower risk of death from any cause, including cancer. The study’s lead author, Dr. Majid Ezzati, said that eating a balanced diet is “the single most important factor in reducing the risk of death.” Eating a balanced diet means eating plenty of fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat proteins. It also means avoiding processed foods and sugary drinks. ..

The text is exactly what it says.

  1. a clear and concise main point
  2. accurate information
  3. proper grammar and spelling ..

Conditional formatting with color scale

In order to quickly analyze data for levels such as minimum, maximum, and average, color-scaled formatting can be useful. For example, a commercial salesperson can use this formula to quickly analyze sales revenue in different locations. We will see how to do it. ..

Select the “Font” tab and choose a font style. Select the “Text” tab and choose a font size. ..

This will take you to a color scale that compares the colors of different objects.

Select the cells for which you need to apply the rules in the range of cells for which you need to apply the rules.

The drop-down boxes allow you to select the point at which your data falls within a certain range. The Minpoint box lets you choose the minimum value, while the Midpoint box lets you choose the maximum value. The Maxpoint box allows you to select the point at which your data reaches its maximum value.

In order to set a specific value for Midpoint, Min point or Max point, you can do this by entering the numbers in the corresponding boxes. In this example, we selected 40 percent for the midpoint.

To change the color settings for the checkpoints, select one of the colors you like and then press the corresponding button.

More Conditional Formatting Options

-The conditional formatting window can be used to control the color of text. -The conditional formatting window can be used to control the color of a range of text.

This is the simplest option in conditional formatting. If you want to highlight just a group of cells that are either empty or non-empty, you can use this feature. To locate this option, simply click on the drop-down box titled Format Cells in the Conditional Formatting window.


  1. Select the cells you want to compare.
  2. Click the Format Cells button on the Home tab.
  3. In the Format Cells dialog box, select Date Range or Single Date from the drop-down box and click OK. This formula will be useful, especially if you want to compare your data over a specific date range or a single date by clicking the drop-down box titled “Format cells if:”
  4. Select the cells you want to compare.
  5. Click the Format Cells button on the Home tab.
  6. In the Format Cells dialog box, select Date Range or Single Date from the drop-down box and click OK ..

The date is before the event. ..

The date is after the event. ..

To create a date based rule, select the option “Date based on.”

How to Use conditional formatting on an entire row in the Google Spreadsheet (custom formula)

To highlight a row in Google Sheets, use the Custom Formula option. This option lets you conditionally format a row by highlighting only certain cells. To do this, you need to first create a new sheet and name it RowHighlight. Then, use the following code to create a formula that will highlight only the cells that contain text: =(“Virginia”)

In the Conditional Formatting window, you can use the following formatting features to control how text appears when it is conditionalized.

Next, you must select the entire dataset for range, as we need to apply conditional formatting to an integer now. In this example, we select the range as A4:D20 and conditionally format it using a color.

The Custom formula is option from the drop-down box titled Formatting Rules.

To enter a custom formula into the cell, you need to start with the = sign. In this case, D4 is the first cell in column D whose data is analyzed. The = sign indicates your sample data. That is, D4 is the first cell in column D whose data is analyzed. Next, you need to enter “Virginia” into the box provided below. This defines the condition. As we need to highlight the lines of employees located in Virginia, = is used. If you want to tag employees who are not located in Virginia, you can use <> “Virginia”. Likewise, you can create conditions involving numbers using symbols such as >, <,> =, <=, etc. ..

Final note

Google Sheets is a spreadsheet application that allows users to keep track of data and manage it easily. It is perfect for people who want to keep track of their finances, work, and other important information. However, there are some things that you may not know about Google Sheets. Here are some tips on how to use Google Sheets effectively:

  1. Make sure you have a Google account before using Google Sheets. This will help you save your data and access it easily.
  2. Type in the information that you need to track in Google Sheets. For example, you could enter your name, address, and budget for the year.
  3. Click on the “Create sheet” button to start tracking your data. You will be able to see all of your data in one place!
  4. Edit your data as needed and add new sheets as needed! You can also add formulas to make tracking easier for you!