How to Use 2 New Privacy Features of iPhone – Guide

Apple’s iOS 15 is finally out, along with a shiny new iPhone privacy features. Two of the best, in my opinion, are email from Apple feature Mail Privacy Protection and the iPhone application privacy report.

The in-app Privacy Report is not yet functional, but the report UI will come in a later iOS 15 update. Feature-ready on your iPhone for when you’re ready. If you are technical enough, you can read the report now.

iOS 15 is now available to download from the Settings app. This update includes some great new features for iPhone users. ..

Mail Privacy Protection

With Mail Privacy Protection, you can choose to have your email only viewable by people you trust. This way, merchants can’t track what you’re buying or reading online based on the email addresses in your contacts. To try it out, open the Settings app on your iPhone and scroll down to Mail. Tap on Privacy Protection and select Enable. You’ll then be asked to enter a passcode. Once you’ve set it up, all of your emails will be protected with a passcode that only you and those you trust will know. ..

Apple’s answer to avoid this – Mail Privacy Protection – will come up when you upgrade to iOS 15 for the first time, where you will have the option to “Protect email activity.”

If you didn’t do this when you upgraded to iOS 15, you can access Mail Privacy Shield in your settings under Settings > Mail > Mail Privacy Shield and make sure you turn on Mail Activity Shield.

Application Privacy Report

iOS 15 includes a new App Privacy Report that improves iPhone privacy and builds on Apple’s app tracking transparency, showing what permissions apps are accessing and how often, like yours. camera or microphone. Of course, it can be useful for an app to access permissions, but a weather app shouldn’t need access to your camera. ..

The App Tracking Transparency feature stops unwanted tracking, the app’s Privacy Report gives you more control over permissions and the power to revoke them when needed. It also shows you when apps are tracking you through other apps and websites.

To enable the App Privacy Report on your iPhone, go to iPhone Settings and scroll to the bottom and enable Record App Activity. The iPhone setup will record a seven-day report that you can send yourself and review.

The app’s privacy reporting is not yet fully functional, as I found out when I tried it on my iPhone. You can enable the feature on iOS 15 and download the seven-day report, but you’ll need to open it on a PC or Mac and paste it into a text editor to read it.

iOS 15 will come with a nicer looking and easier to understand interface. “The UI that renders the raw file is currently missing; there is no standard way to view this file on the iPhone,” security researcher Tommy Mysk told me. “You need to download it and then preview it on a PC, or open it with a text editing app on the iPhone, but you need to be a power user.” ..

Final note

This guide is about how to use two new privacy features of the iPhone, which are called Face ID and Touch ID. If you have any questions or queries about this article, please do not hesitate to ask us. Additionally, please share this guide with your friends so that they too may benefit from its contents.