How to turn on Sleep­ing Tabs on Chrome – Guide

The Chrome browser can remove inactive tabs from memory, which can improve its resource usage and battery life.

When you open multiple tabs in Chrome, the browser can start to consume memory. This is because Chrome has a feature called Sleeping Tab. This feature prevents the browser from opening more tabs than it can handle. If you have a lot of tabs open, this might cause your computer to slow down.

This option disables tabs you haven’t used in a while, freeing up the device for other tasks. You can reactivate a tab whenever you need to by clicking on it. ..

Steps are provided below to activate the chrome sleeping guides

This opens Google Chrome with the “flags” tab, which allows you to change some of the defaults.

After going to the address, you will see many flags. Search for “Freeze.” ..

You can enable or disable the use of tabs in your browser by selecting one of the options from the drop-down menu.

Restart Google Chrome to take effect the changes made to the browser.

Final note

Chrome has a new feature called “Sleep­ing Tabs.” Sleep­ing Tabs are a way to keep your browser open and working while you’re not using it. You can close the tab, or switch to another tab, without closing the whole browser. This guide will show you how to turn on Sleep­ing Tabs on Chrome. If you have any questions about this article, please feel free to ask us in the comments below. Additionally, if you’d like to share this article with your friends, please do so by clicking the share button below. ..