How to track, reassign and safely decommission hardware – Guide

There are a number of ways to process old laptops and phones in a safe and efficient manner. One way is to store them in a designated area, like a closet or cupboard. Another way is to recycle them. A third option is to destroy them.

The Great Renunciation is the new dynamic of the mix. The more people swapping one job for another, the more often IT teams will need to process the returned machines and redistribute them. The increase in teleworking adds another factor to consider. How the pandemic keeps workers in home, it is even more complicated to control what equipment is and where.

The TechRepublic Premium features in this collection can help manage every detail in this process, from deciding which equipment to deactivate and erase data as needed, to creating a checklist to manage tasks and a spreadsheet to track vital information for each piece of hardware. By using these features, IT teams can keep their workflows moving smoothly and efficiently, ensuring that they are able to keep up with the latest technology advancements.

Computer Equipment Disposal Policy

This policy describes the rules and procedures for proper disposal, decommissioning and replacement of computers and IT equipment. The policy also specifies which team members are responsible for which tasks in the equipment decommissioning process.

Hardware decommissioning policy

This feature covers the entire old hardware shutdown process, including the first question: is this machine’s lifecycle over? If the answer is yes, the IT department can proceed with the rest of the process. This can include recycling or destroying the device, working with staff to remove company data, and updating documentation to reflect the change in status.

Hardware Inventory Policy

IT departments need to control more than 20 types of devices, since phones for tablets to laptops for servers throughout the device lifecycle. This policy will help you define up an asset tracking database to record all vital information for each device. You will also find advice on setting rules for device usage in this feature.

Equipment reassignment policy and checklist

This checklist details the process of reassigning equipment to ensure that it runs smoothly from data removal to configuration.

Final note

This guide will show you how to track, reassign, and safely decommission hardware. If you have any questions about the guide, feel free to ask us. Additionally, please share this guide with your friends to help spread the word! ..