How to Pull Off Pranks Using Your Phone – Guide

With the Covid-19 pandemic forcing people to stay inside their homes, we have to use all the resources that exist to have a little fun, despite whatever is going on. For example, we can prank our friends and family by playing games on our phones that are really hard or making them do silly tasks for no reason. We can also use our phone to take pictures of things that we would never normally share with anyone, like funny memes or pictures of us in compromising positions.

Playing pranks with your family and friends can be a great way to stay connected. It can be a great icebreaker when you haven’t talked to someone in a while and you want to reconnect with that person. If words of affirmation are not your love language, you can go ahead and play with your brother to let them know that you are just there and not vanished out of thin air. Above all, pranks can be a great way to take a break from the routine life you have every day. ..

  1. Make sure your prank is safe
  2. Be aware of the consequences of your actions
  3. Be considerate of the people you prank
  4. Don’t go too far
  5. Take into account the feelings of those you prank

Check everyone’s ‘play mood’

There are a few things to keep in mind when playing pranks. First, be sure that you are doing it for the right reasons. If you are prankming someone because you feel like it is funny or because you want to get them mad, then your prank will not be successful. Second, make sure that everyone involved in the prank is aware of what is happening. This includes both the person being pranked and anyone who will be watching or listening to the prank. Finally, make sure that everyone involved understands that they may not enjoy the end result of the prank.

It’s important to make sure that you’re okay with your friends before letting out a mean laugh at someone. Remember: sometimes jokes can get out of hand by those who try too hard when they want attention, which causes problems among loved ones later. But if everyone takes things lightly, those problems won’t exist anymore because no one cares. If something happened a long time ago, it would still matter to us now.

be prepared to give something in return

In some cases, your victims were affected by what happened in a way that made them feel hurt. This is called a crisis situation in comedy.

If someone does something that you don’t like, the best way to deal with it is usually to apologize for your actions and make sure that the person knows that you won’t do it again. ..

  1. Farm to table: This game is all about taking advantage of your surroundings to get food. You’ll need to build a farm, purchase crops, and then sell them to other players.
  2. Tower Defense: This game is all about defending your tower from enemies. You’ll need to place towers and upgrade them with abilities to protect your base.
  3. Mahjong: This game is all about matching pieces of the same color together in order to make a path through the board. You can also play with different boards and rules depending on how you want to play.
  4. Crosswords: This game is all about solving puzzles and finding the right words in order to solve the next one. There are many different puzzles available, so you can find one that works best for you!

5 smart pranks you can do with your Phone

Text Replacement Prank

The self-correction game is a prank that involves replacing common words with misspelled versions. When the victim tries to compose a sentence, they will be unable to because their phone will keep replacing words. This prank is funnier if the victim is a fast typist and doesn’t take a second to look back at anything they typed on their keyboard.

Prank call

With the advent of advanced technology, you can now make prank calls without having to buy a recorder phones and extra SIM cards to hide your identity. These apps use advanced AI technology to make it look like your hazing victim is talking to a person live, when in fact it’s just a recorded voice of a wide variety of characters from your mixer. Try out these apps today and have some fun!

Silent Texter

To pull off this prank, you will need access to the target victim’s messaging app. Once you have access, send a text message to someone valuable to that person – maybe your boyfriend or your mom – with a very intriguing message like “Hey, I did something really bad and I’m really sorry” or ” I’m leaving town and going somewhere far away. See you in six months. ” Click submit, go ahead, set your phones in silence and leave it somewhere unnoticeable for a while. As soon as your victim opens his phone, he will certainly be confused by what is going on and why his significant other or mother is reacting that way. ..

Android users can take advantage of this prank by going to their friend’s phone and adjusting the animation speed setting to the slowest speed possible. When your friend opens their phone, they will be irritated by the slow animations and feel the slowdown of their phone. Remember to revert your settings when you have had enough fun! ..

Contact Switching Game

Last, but definitely not least, on our list of prank phone calls you can do with your phone is a contact switch game. You can do this by replacing someone’s name in your friend’s contact list—say, their mother or father—with the contact name of the loved one, and vice versa. What makes this game fun is that you get to see your victim without having a clue that you’re texting their parents instead of their OS. Let’s just hope they don’t send dirty messages to their parents!

Our list of matches you could do with phones includes things like hosting a Minecraft server remotely, which can be a lot of fun.

Final note

How to Pull Off Pranks Using Your Phone is a great guide for anyone looking to have some fun with their friends. This article will teach you how to prank your friends using your phone, and it’s easy to do! ..