Step 1: Plug in your old Android phone or tablet to the new iPhone or iPad. Step 2: Choose the data type you want to transfer. Step 3: Choose the destination device. Step 4: Connect your old Android phone or tablet to the new iPhone or iPad.

Steps to switching migrate data from Android to iPhone or iPad

Step 2: In this screen, you will find a list of apps that are compatible with your new iPhone or iPad. Step 3: To add an app to your list, click on the app’s name and then select the “add to list” button. Step 4: After adding the app to your list, you will be able to use it just like any other app.

To move data from your Android device to your computer, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Google Drive app on your Android device.
  2. Tap the “Move Data from Android” option.
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to transfer your data to your computer. ..

Step 3: Open the Google Play Store and search for “Move to iOS.”

Open the Move to iOS app listing on the App Store. ..

After you have downloaded the app, open it and tap on the Install button. ..

Open After It’s Installed is the sixth step in the installation process. ..

After you have completed the steps on both devices, tap “Continue.” ..

To unlock your iPhone or iPad using the six-digit code, enter it on your Android device. ..

Step 9: After entering the code, the Android device will connect to your iPhone or iPad over a peer-to-peer Wi-Fi connection and determine what data will be transferred. Press Continue on the Android Device to continue. ..

After following the instructions in Step 9, you will need to connect your phones. To do this, place them close together and select Connect from the menu. ..

Apple asks you what data you want to be transferred over so that you can quickly log in on your new Apple device. This includes things like contacts, calendar, Google Account, Camera Roll, and more. Select everything you want to move over then tap Continue.

It will take time to transfer your data so keep the phones near each other and leave them alone. The more data you have to transfer the longer it will take. Press Done once the transfer completes.

Step 13: Now move over to the iPhone and press Continue Setting Up iPhone.

After following the prompts to set up your iPhone, you are now ready to use it.

Final Words

Switching from Android to iPhone or iPad can be a daunting task, but with the help of a few simple steps, your data can be transferred without any problems. ..