How to make TikTok 6-minute videos on iPhone and Android – Guide

TikTok has been gradually increasing the maximum upload duration over time. Now, users can record and share up to three minutes of footage by default. However, some users are uploading videos that are double the original length - up to six minutes long. So, here is the necessary information about creating TikToks that are six minutes long. ..

TikTok: How do people make 6-minute TikToks? (2021)

The release of six-minute TikTok videos has been limited to select users, and all signs suggest that the vast majority of users can’t view them. The release is likely related to the recent trend of shorter videos being uploaded, which may be a response to people’s growing impatience with longer videos.

TikTok is experimenting with doubling its maximum upload duration to six minutes. This is causing some confusion among the user base, as videos of this length are being cut up and causing some problems. As TikTok has already increased the maximum upload time in the past, it’s not too surprising that it’s now experimenting with 6-minute videos – especially considering the app’s continued success.

Twitter is doubling its character limit, which means that more people are being able to tweet. This change will be gradual, so users have a chance to feedback before it’s too late.

TikTok is considering user sentiment when making changes to its 6-minute video format. If most users don’t like the new format, TikTok can experiment with it to see what works best for its users. ..

Final note

If you’re looking to make quick and easy 6-minute videos on your iPhone or Android device, this guide is for you! ..