How to Lock Android Apps On Samsung Smartphones? – Guide

Smartphones have evolved into more than just communication devices. These handheld devices allow you to do things that were previously possible only through bug computing devices, including laptops and PCs. Samsung is one of the popular names when it comes to high-end smartphones and it’s not Chinese. ..

Samsung currently uses Android mobile operating system to power its devices. All of the company’s offerings, whether they are cost-effective or premium devices, are powered by Google’s Android operating system. However, Samsung wraps a layer of its own custom One UI skin that adds the company’s own set of customizations and themes to the devices. Privacy has been an important factor for all users, whether it’s a smartphone of any brand. And Samsung, like other companies, has focused on improving user security. ..

How to put a password on individual apps

To block individual apps on Android, you can use third-party app blocking apps. These apps can be obtained from the Google Play Store and can be used to generate passwords or patterns that you must enter before accessing a specific app.

The best lock application for this purpose is AppLock. There are a few apps called AppLock on the Google Play Store, and you’d be fine with most of them, but the one we’ve seen most often, and like the best, is the free AppLock made by DoMobile Lab.

  1. Open the app
  2. Tap on the lock icon
  3. Enter your desired security code
  4. Confirm your code by pressing the lock button

The app for your phone lets you control your music from anywhere in the world.

Open the app and enter your password to use with individual apps. Make sure it doesn’t match the password you use to lock your phone.

When prompted, allow AppLock to open over other apps. This will create the lock later. ..

To lock an app with the password you created, select the app and tap the “Block” button.

You will be notified that the lock was successful. If you open this app, you can confirm it. ..

We like AppLock because it can help protect individual apps with a password and fingerprint lock. It also offers a cleanser that can free up storage space in your phone.

There are a number of battery saver features that can help you save energy and extend your phone’s battery life. A cooler can keep your phoneCPU at a safe temperature, and a booster can improve your phone’s speed.

Other Android Security features to use

Screen Pinning is a feature that allows you to keep your apps and personal data on your phone in one place, so you can access it when you need it without having to worry about losing it. Samsung also has a feature called Secure Folder, which helps keep your phone’s general data safe and secure.

screen fixation

With screen pinning, you can lock your phone screen from a specific app so that if there is any attempt to exit the app or close it, your lock screen will be activated. ..

Screen pinning will not allow thieves or eavesdroppers to access other apps if they go straight to your banking app. Just make sure you stay logged out of the banking app when you’re not using it.

  1. Open the Settings app and navigate to the “Display” section.
  2. Scroll down to the “Screen” section and toggle the “Screen pinning” option to on.
  3. Save your changes and close the Settings app.

There, you’ll find a list of options for how to protect your device from being tracked by your location. You can choose to have your device blocked by location services, have it require a passcode to start, or set up a secure enclave for data.

Tap “Advanced” and then “Screen Fix”.

When you toggle the screen pin to the “on” position, you should also toggle Prompt for PIN before releasing to “on.” ..

When you tap the “Overview” button, a list of all your contacts will appear. You can see their names, photos, and other information. ..

To pin an app:

  1. Tap the app you want to pin.
  2. Tap “Pin”.
  3. Tap “Ok”. ..

Instructions for using an Android device vary depending on the type of Android device. For example, if you have an Android 4.0 or later device, follow these instructions:

  1. Open the Settings app and select the “Androids” tab.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom and select “Device settings.”
  3. In this section, find the “Storage” section and change the “Data storage” setting to “External storage.”
  4. Scroll back up to the “Device settings” section and change the “Storage” setting to “Internal storage.”

The phone fixture can also be used to maintain your phone in a game specific to kids, so they can’t click outside the app. To release an app, tap “Back” (the triangle icon) and “Overview” simultaneously, then enter your PIN.

Secure Folder

Secure folder is a feature on Samsung phones that allows you to place applications in a virtual folder that can be locked. You can lock with a password, a PIN, an entire password or even your fingerprint or iris. ..

  1. Open the Samsung Android phone’s Settings app and select the Security option.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the Security screen and select the “Apps” tab.
  3. In the Apps section, click on the “Add” button and enter a name for your new app secure folder.
  4. Click on the “Create” button and wait for Samsung to create your new folder.

Settings > Biometry and Security

Secure Folder: Tap “Secure Folder” and then “Lock Type”.

To create a password, you can choose from one of the following options: pattern, PIN, password or a biometric option like fingerprint or iris. ..

Add apps to your secure folder by tapping “Add apps”.

In the “Add App” dialog, select the app you want to add and tap “Add”.

After locking the secure folder, you can no longer access the files or folders inside. ..

If you have an application added to the folder that asks for your password or fingerprint, try accessing it and see if it works. If not, you may need to change your password or fingerprint.

Final note

This guide will show you how to lock Android apps on Samsung Smartphones. If you have any query about this article, please ask us. Additionally, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.