The GPS receiver unit on your Android phone collects signals from satellites. This information is used to determine your precise location. This information is also used to provide you with pertinent search results when you use Google, browse a website that features regional content, or sign up for emergency notifications for events like earthquakes and storms.

To improve GPS Location Accuracy on Android, follow these steps:

  1. Enable location services on your device.
  2. Use a clear sky view to get a better signal.
  3. Avoid moving around while the GPS is trying to lock onto a signal. ..

Steps to Improve GPS Location Accuracy on Android

Turn on Google Location Accuracy

To turn on the Google Location Accuracy function on your Android device, go to Settings > Location & Security > Google Location Accuracy. This will turn on the function and use Wi-Fi, cell networks, and other sensors to establish your location as precisely as possible. This might have a slight negative effect on your battery life. ..

Step 2: Select the “Location Services” tab. Step 3: Under “Location Services,” you’ll see a list of services that your phone uses to track your location. Step 4: Tap on the “Track my location” button. Step 5: Your phone will start tracking your location and will report this information back to you in real-time. You can use this information to track where you are, how long you’ve been there, and more.

Step 3: Open the Location Services app on your phone Step 4: Click on the three lines in the top left corner of the app, and select “Location history.” Step 5: In the “Location history” section, you’ll see a list of all your recent location changes. Click on any of them to see more information about that location change.

Step 3: Then tap on Google Location Accuracy.

To improve the accuracy of your location, toggle on the switch next to it. ..

Calibrate Compass

If your phone’s GPS is not working properly, you can recalibrate it by following these steps:

  1. Open the Settings app on your phone.
  2. Under “Location & Security,” tap “Recalibrate Location.”
  3. Follow the on-screen instructions to recalibrate your device. ..

Step 2:  Type in the address of the business you want to find. Step 3:  Click on the “Get Directions” button. If you’re looking for a specific business, type its address into Google Maps and click on the “Get Directions” button. Google will give you directions to that business from where you are. ..

Step 3: Tap on the blue dot icon to see a list of nearby restaurants and cafes.

To calibrate your phone, first tap on the “Calibrate” option at the bottom. Next, tilt and move your phone to create a figure. ..

Clear GPS Data

If your GPS device becomes locked to a particular satellite, there is a workaround that can reset the device and reconnect it to available satellites. The GPS Status & Toolbox software can be used to accomplish this. ..

Step 2: In the GPS Status & Toolbox, tap on the three lines in the top left corner of the screen. Step 3: Tap on “A-GPS state” to see all of your current GPS states.

Step 2: Reset your phone.

After resetting your GPS, you will need to download the latest map. Go back to the “Manage A-GPS state” menu and select “Download.” ..

Your GPS data should be updated now. If it starts malfunctioning again, simply repeat the procedure. ..

Enable Wi-Fi and Bluetooth Scanning

Enable your Android device’s Wi-Fi and Bluetooth scanning features in addition to turning on high location accuracy and recalibrating the compass. This will allow your phone to check for nearby Wi-Fi networks and Bluetooth-enabled devices, giving it a better understanding of where you are at all times. Even if your phone’s Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are off, this will still function. ..

Step 2: Scroll down to the bottom and select “Privacy” Step 3: Toggle the “Location Services” option on Step 4: Toggle the “Data Usage” option on

Step 3: Choose the “Location” tab. Step 4: In the “Location” tab, select the “Cellular Data” option. Step 5: In the “Data Usage” section, set your data usage to “High.”

Step 4: Now, you’ll see a list of nearby places. Step 5: To add a place to your list, just tap on it and select Add.

These switches will allow you to scan for Wi-Fi and Bluetooth networks in your area.

Final Words

To improve your GPS accuracy, you can follow these tips:

  1. Use a clear and bright sky as your reference point when plotting your location.
  2. Use a stable phone battery and keep it at 30% or less for the best results.
  3. Use an app that has GPS tracking capabilities to improve accuracy.