How to Enable/Dis­able Lock Screen Sto­ries on Sam­sung Devices – Guide

The Galaxy devices come with a lot of customization options, but I found that the Lock Screen Stories were not to my liking.

What are the lock screen stories on Samsung phones

What is the appeal of term stories? There are a few reasons why people might enjoy reading term stories. For one, they can be a quick and easy way to pass the time. Secondly, they can be a fun way to share memories with friends or family. And finally, they can be an interesting way to learn new information. ..

Samsung has a new lock screen feature that refers to the informational and organized content of the lock screen. This means that you’ll see a beautiful new image every time you unlock your phone. The image is usually new or a fact. So you get two benefits: information and an attractive lock wallpaper. You can change the categories from which you want to receive content.

Enable lock screen stories

  1. Open the Settings app and navigate to the Security section.
  2. Scroll down and select “Locked Screen.”
  3. Toggle the “On” checkbox and enter your desired security code.
  4. Click “Save Changes.”

Open the Settings app and go to the Lock Screen.

The Tap Lock Screen Stories feature a tap to set as screen lock button. This makes it easy to keep your device locked when you’re not around, whether you’re at home or on the go.

Disable Lock Screen Stories

  1. Go to Settings > Lock screen and security > Screen lock.
  2. Tap on the three lines in the bottom left corner of the screen and select “Disable lock screen history.”
  3. Enter your password to confirm your choice. ..

The Galaxy widget is a great way to keep track of your favorite news and sports sites. You can customize it to fit your needs, and it’s easy to use. ..

Disable screen history lock in settings

  1. Choose a topic that interests you.
  2. Research the topic to learn as much as you can.
  3. Write a story about what you learned. ..

Open the settings on your phone to change how you use your phone.

Tap Lock Screen, then tap Lock Screen Stories.

Disable flip-flop next to “Enabled.”

Final note

This guide will show you how to enable/disable lock screen sto­ries on Samsung devices. If you have any query about this article, please ask us. Also, please share your love by sharing this article with your friends.