How to Enable Airplane Mode on Windows 11 – Guide

  1. Open the Start menu and type “cmd”
  2. Type “netstat -a”
  3. Look for the line that says “wlp2s0” and change it to “wlp3s0”.
  4. Close the netstat window and open the command prompt again.
  5. Type “netstat -a” and look for the line that says “wlp2s0” and change it to “wlp3s0”.

Steps to turn on/off airplane mode in Windows 11

After turning airplane mode off, Windows 11 will automatically reactivate all wireless devices that were previously activated when you turned airplane mode on.

Final note

How to Enable Airplane Mode on Windows 11 If you have an airplane mode enabled on your computer, you may not be able to use some features of the operating system. This guide will show you how to enable airplane mode on Windows 11.

  1. Open the Start menu and type “cmd” or “cmd+alt+del”. This will open a command prompt.
  2. Type “netstat -a”. This will show you all the network connections on your computer.
  3. If there are any connections that are not associated with an airplane mode setting, then they will be listed in the “Network Connections” section of the netstat output. If there are any connections that are associated with an airplane mode setting, then they will be listed in the “Airplane Mode” section of the netstat output.