How to Create an Empty Home Screen on Your iPhone – Guide

  1. Use a wallpaper editor on your computer to create a new wallpaper.
  2. Use the Home screen shortcut to create a blank Home screen.
  3. Use the iPhone’s camera to take a picture of your favorite wallpaper and put it on your Home screen.
  4. Paste the picture from step 3 onto your Home screen

Some people like having a cluttered Instagram feed, wired headphones, and minimal iPhone wallpapers. If you prefer a super minimalist iPhone wallpaper, you should consider making your own. Home white screen. Sometimes app icons can mess up your iPhone Home screen.

1. Remove apps from Home One by One screen

  1. Open the Settings app and navigate to the General section.
  2. Scroll down to the bottom and select “Screen Space Saving Options.”
  3. Under “Screen Space Saving Options,” select “Delete all apps from Home Screen.”
  4. Click on the “Apply” button and confirm your selection.

To activate jiggle mode on an app: Press and hold the app on the Home Screen. Select Edit Home Screen. Jiggle mode should be activated. ..

To activate jiggle mode, move the app icons on the first Home Screen to the next screen by dragging them one after the other to the right edge of your iPhone. ..

Your Home screen should be completely empty and you can enjoy the clean, uncluttered welcome that a blank space.

2. Fill your iPhone Home Screen with invisible app icons

Customizing your iPhone Home screen can be a fun way to add some extra functionality to your device. To do this, you can take a screenshot of an empty page and create blank icons. Then, you can download the result and use it as wallpaper. This way, the icons will “disappear” into the wallpaper because they are cut from the same fabric.

We will see how to do it: How to do it:

Activate jiggle mode on your iPhone by pressing any icon on your iPhone’s Home Screen.

Swipe right until you reach the end of the document.

Screenshot of the empty page

To use the iPhone icons blank tool, you first need to find and use a tool that makes the iPhone icons blank. We recommend iEmpty for its ease of use, and the next steps will be the instructions for using the tool. Alternatively, you can use the Makeovr tool to create invisible icons.

Scroll down the page and select Add empty icons to the toolbar.

To upload a screenshot of your current screen, scroll down to the Your Screenshot section and select Choose File. ..

Please enter a valid screenshot for this article.

In the Options section of your web browser, you can generate icons using the Bookmark option.

To add an icon to your Home Screen, scroll down to see a grid of icons with your wallpaper in the background. You can select any of the icons and use sharing button to add it as a favorite to your Home Screen. You can repeat this process for how many icons in your Home Screen as you wish.

3. Use Widgets to Quickly Empty Your iPhone Home Screen

iOS 14 includes a new feature that allows users to bypass the need to upload their wallpaper to certain websites and download empty icons instead. Here are two options: using Siri suggestions or using a transparent widget app. ..

  1. Open the Siri app on your iPhone or iPad.
  2. Type “suggestions” into the search bar at the top of the app and hit return.
  3. A list of suggestions will appear, including ones that are specific to your device and language.
  4. Scroll through the list and select a suggestion to use.
  5. Click on it to start using it.

Once the Shortcuts app is installed, open it and select “Add New Shortcut.” Next, type in “reddit” into the search bar at the top of the Shortcuts app and press enter. The first result will be a shortcut to the Reddit homepage. Click on it to open it. Now, you’ll want to find a subreddit that you’re interested in. For this example, we’re going to use r/politics. Scroll down until you see a subreddit called “r/The_Donald.” Click on it to open it. Next, you’ll want to find a post that you’re interested in. In this example, we’re going to use an article about President Trump’s first 100 days in office. Scroll down until you see an article called “Trump’s First 100 Days: A Comprehensive Guide.” Click on it to open it. Now, all you need to do is click on the “Share” button located at the bottom of the Reddit article window and select “Shortcut.” On your iPhone’s keyboard, type in “r/The_Donald - Trump’s First 100 Days: A Comprehensive Guide” and press enter. This will open up your Shortcuts app with a new shortcut for sharing articles from r/The_Donald on Facebook and Twitter. ..

When you press down on an empty area on your home screen, jiggle mode will be activated. This allows you to move around the screen more easily and make changes to your settings with a more natural motion.

To add a new page to your book, swipe right until you reach an empty page. Then tap the plus sign (+) button in the upper left corner. ..

  1. A widget that tells you the weather in your area
  2. A widget that tells you what time it is
  3. A widget that asks you a question

To get back to the main screen, tap the dots above the dock. ..

Disable all widgets except the Siri suggestion widgets. ..

To exit jiggle mode and remove all three Siri Cue widgets, tap “Done” on the widget screen. ..

4. Add transparent widgets to create white space Home Screen

  1. Choose a transparent widget from the widget store.
  2. Paste the code into your widget’s constructor.
  3. Set up your event handlers to respond to changes in opacity or color.

Then, open the app and sign in with your Apple ID. Next, click on the “My TWid” tab and enter your account information. You’ll now see a list of your favorite apps and games. To add an app or game, click on it and select “Add to My TWid.”

Activate jiggle mode by pressing and holding down on an empty area of the Home Screen.

Swipe right until you reach the end of the document.

Screenshot of the empty page

Open the TWid app on your iPhone and select the screenshot. It should appear in the middle of the app.

To get back to your Home Screen, tap and hold on the screen until the icons start jiggling. Then release and your Home Screen will reappear. ..

In the upper left corner, tap the plus sign (+) button and look for the TWid widget.

Add widgets and adjust the images as you like using the Edit widget option.

The TWid app is a great way to keep your home screen updated without having to upload a new wallpaper every time. If you don’t get an automatic update, you can tap Settings > Update Widgets in the app and they should all be synced.

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Final note

How to Create an Empty Home Screen on Your iPhone If you’re looking for a way to have a blank home screen on your iPhone, there are a few ways to do it. One way is to use the built-in home screen features of your device. Another way is to use an app that provides this feature. If you want to create an empty home screen on your iPhone, there are a few ways to do it.