CloudWatch is a great way to monitor the performance and reliability of your EC2 instances on AWS. It provides typical monitoring of CPU utilization, hard disk utilization, network ingress and egress. ..

Custom metrics are measures that are created by the EC2 provider on behalf of the user. These metrics can be used to track and measure the performance of an application or service. By tracking these metrics, you can get a better understanding of how your application is performing and make changes or optimizations accordingly.

Why create custom metrics in CloudWatch?

CloudWatch does not have all the features that you would want in an application monitoring tool. For example, it does not monitor traffic on port 80 or port 443. Additionally, CloudWatch does not monitor Nginx server performance.

CloudWatch is a custom metric that allows you to monitor a specific application binary or runtime. CloudWatch helps monitor the infrastructure portion of an EC2 instance, such as CPU, hard drive and network. However, if the application running on the instance is down or in a warning state, CloudWatch’s default monitoring won’t provide much information.

When CloudWatch doesn’t have a metric for your specific use case, you want to implement a custom metric that is specific to your use case.

In this tutorial, we will take a look at how to create a custom metric in CloudWatch that monitors the web server running on a Linux EC2 instance for inbound HTTPS traffic. First, we need to create an EC2 instance running Linux with a role membership for CloudWatch access. Next, we need to SSH into the instance and install the CloudWatch tools. Once the tools are installed, we can start by creating a new metric in CloudWatch. To create a custom metric in CloudWatch, we first need to open the CloudWatch console and navigate to the metrics tab. We then need to click on New Metric and provide the following information: Name: Inbound HTTPS Traffic (Port 443) Description: This metric will track how many inbound HTTPS requests were made from port 443 on our web server over the course of an hour.

Creating a custom metric

To create a custom metric in CloudWatch, you use the AWS Management Console or a script. IT teams should try to automate as much as possible in any environment, and scripting is a great way of automation. The automation script in this example is native to Linux and presented in Bash, but you can use any programming language for this purpose. ..

#!/bin/bash ec2-user@ec2-instance-1:~$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa ec2-user@ec2-instance-1


curl -sSL,-122.3307&spn=0,4,3&zoom=12

The port 443 on the device is being used to access the internet.

AWS CloudWatch put-metric-data –metric-name PORT_443_AVAILABILITY –dimensions Instance = i-0255e296e993b6df1 –namespace “port443” –value $

The automation code creates a variable that uses the netstat command to grep port 443 to ensure it is running. Use the AWS Command Line Interface with the cloudwatch command to create the custom metric using the put-metric-data option. The put-metric-data option contains four parameters: the name of the metric, the ID of the instance you want to monitor, the namespace, and the value of the metric, which is the grepping variable for port 443.

AWS CloudWatch Custom Metric Automation Code

chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/php This will make the script executable and allow it to run from the local directory.

This command changes the permissions on a file to make it executable.

Create a cron job to run the script every minute.

crontab -e Add the following line to the file: 0 0 * * * /usr/bin/php /var/www/html/index.php ..

To ensure that the CloudWatch custom metric extracts data from the EC2 instance reasonably, set the cron job to run the script continuously.

After saving the cron job, you will see output from the terminal stating that the cron is running.

The Cron job code metrics report provides information on the number of jobs, their duration, and their CPU and memory usage. ..

CloudWatch is a monitoring service that allows you to track the performance of your AWS resources. To check the custom metric, open the AWS Management Console and go to the CloudWatch service. In the CloudWatch service, click Metrics. ..

AWS Management Console CloudWatch Service Screens lets you see the activity and performance of your AWS services on a screen.

Metrics are important for understanding how a website is performing, but they can be difficult to create and track. Under All Metrics, there is a new section for custom metrics. This allows you to track your own unique data points and find out how your website is performing. ..

Custom metrics are now available. ..

CloudWatch is a custom metric that can be used to track performance of your applications. You can create and manage CloudWatch metrics using the CloudWatch Console or the CloudWatch API.

Custom metrics with other cloud providers

There are many options for making custom metrics for anyone using a cloud provider or third-party service. Custom metrics can help you understand your cloud usage, identify potential problems, and improve your overall performance.

You can use the OpenCensus library to collect metrics from applications on Google Cloud Platform. You can also use the GCP Cloud Monitoring API to create custom metrics that work with C#, Go, Java, Node.js, PHP, Python and Ruby.

  • azure-monitor send-metrics
  • azure-monitor get-metrics
  • azure-monitor get-events

Azure Application Insights is a powerful tool for monitoring and managing your Azure applications. With this SDK, you can access data from your applications and analyze it to get insights into how they are performing. This data can be used to improve your application performance, identify potential issues, and more.

Azure Monitor Agent on Linux or Windows is a powerful and easy-to-use monitoring tool that can be used to monitor your Azure cloud services. It provides real-time access to all your Azure cloud services, including the ones you’re using for work or personal use.

Windows Azure Diagnostics is a new extension for Windows Azure that enables you to collect and analyze diagnostic data from your Windows Azure services. This extension provides a simple way to collect data from your services, and then use the Windows Azure Diagnostics service to analyze and report on the data. ..

InfluxData Telegraf Agent for Analytics;

Azure Monitor provides a way to collect custom metrics that can be used to track your Azure services. You can use the Azure Monitor API to get information about the performance of your services, including their CPU utilization, memory usage, and more. This way, you can get a better understanding of how your services are performing and make changes or optimizations accordingly.

Final note