How to use iOS Shortcuts to create a custom RSS reader – Guide

The Shortcuts app on iOS is a powerful tool that can be used to save time and make life easier. However, it has gone largely unnoticed by the majority of users, so it’s important to take advantage of its features. ..

With RSS readers, you can easily get the latest headlines from your favorite news sources without having to scroll through all of the other posts. This can be a powerful tool for getting your news quickly and easily.

But if you’d rather not have to type out the URLs or look for them on the web, there’s a way to do that too.

Here it is how to create a custom RSS feed reader using Shortcuts.

Tap the “Shortcuts” icon. Select the “Add New Shortcut” button. Enter the following information into the “Shortcut Name” field:

  • “Open Safari”
  • Tap on the magnifying glass icon to search for a website Tap on the website you want to open in Safari. ..

Create a new shortcut to the Google search bar.

In the search bar, find and select the Choose from Menu action.

You will now be able to choose how many news feeds you want to receive from different sources. If you have four favorite sites in mind, make sure to add four items in all.

After that, rename all items with the names of the news outlets you will be using so that you can easily identify them when the shortcut is up and running.

  1. Copy the following URL:
  2. Paste it into the URL box below:
  3. Click on the “Add Feed” button to add the Fox News Politics RSS feed to your shortcut.
  4. Copy and paste the following URL:
  5. Paste it into the URL box below:
  6. Click on the “Add Feed” button to add The Huffington Post’s Politics RSS feed to your shortcut. ..

Add the Get items from RSS feed action to your shortcut to pull 10 headlines from each output.

To follow this, add the Safari Articles Filter action and (presumably) you’ll want to set the Sort By setting to Publish Date and the Order option to Last First. This ensures that you see breaking news first and not 2010 stories.

Final steps

You’ve completed your project and are ready to submit it for review. ..

To close this shortcut, add the Pick From List action, then finish it off with a simple Open URLs trigger. ..

Introducing our new RSS reader, which is specifically designed for you and your needs. With no ads or baby photos, it’s the perfect way to keep up with the latest news and events.

Final note

How to use iOS Shortcuts to create a custom RSS reader on your iPhone or iPad is a guide that will show you how to make your own custom RSS reader on your device. This guide will show you how to create a custom RSS reader on your iPhone or iPad that is specific to you and that will work with all of the popular feeds and services. If you are looking for an easy way to keep up with all of the latest news, events, and articles from your favorite sources, then this guide is for you! By following this guide, you can create a custom RSS reader that is specifically tailored for you and that will work with all of the popular feeds and services.