How to Con­nect Wi-Fi Automatically on Sam­sung Galaxy Devices – Guide

Millions of Spaniards use a WiFi network every day to stay connected at home or work. This is because our mobile phones automatically connect to this network, which is particularly convenient and saves energy. Samsung phones have a feature that makes it possible.

To connect to a WiFi network in your home or office, you can set up your Samsung mobile phone to connect automatically to that network when you are nearby. This process is very simple.

Samsung has a feature in its user interface that allows users to connect their phone to a wireless network. This process requires two steps: first, the user must allow their smartphone to connect to a network; and second, the user must allow their phone to personalize its connection with other devices on the network.

Per up an automatic WiFi connection, follow the steps listed below:

Scroll down to the bottom and tap on “Location Services.” Under “Location Services,” you’ll find a list of options. Choose one of these options to turn on location tracking:

  • Location history: This option will keep track of where you’ve been and when you’ve been there. This information can be used to identify you in future apps or websites.
  • Geolocation: This option will allow your phone to track your movements even if you’re not connected to the internet. This information can be used for marketing purposes or for other purposes related to your safety.

The three-dot menu at the top of this page provides a variety of options for accessing information. The most common is the “Menu” tab, which includes a variety of options such as articles, photos, and videos. Other tabs include “Actions” and “Links.”

On the Smart Wi-Fi menu, tap Turn on Wi-Fi automatically and then select your network type.

In the next menu, you will see a list of Wi-Fi connections that are saved in your phone.

Use Bixby Routines

Some Samsung Galaxy phones have a Bixby routine that is only available for mid-range and high-end models. The steps are as follows:

  1. Open the phone’s settings and select “about phone.”
  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and find “bixby” under “services.”
  3. Tap on it, and then select “update.”

Open the Bixby Routines app on your Galaxy phone and type in “open route.”

The Add Routine menu will prompt you to create an automation.

This routine will run when the user taps the If tab.

Add your current location or choose a location manually to get started.

When I arrive from the menu below, I will be prompted to select a game mode. I can choose between Casual or Competitive. Casual mode allows me to play without any pressure, while Competitive mode puts me up against other players in a race to be the first to reach the end of the level. ..

This routine will add a Then tab to the document. ..

If you want to connect to a Wi-Fi network, select Connections > Wi-Fi. You can then enter the network’s name or password. ..

Tap the Wi-Fi button and keep it on by pressing Done.

Next, give the routine a name, relevant icon, select a theme and tap the Done button. ..

Final note

This guide will show you how to connect your Samsung Galaxy devices to Wi-Fi automatically. If you have any questions about this article, please feel free to ask us. Additionally, please share this article with your friends if you enjoyed it! ..