How to change your lock screen shortcuts on Android 12 – Guide

Android 12 brings many improvements to the best Android phones, one that’s a little overlooked is the ability to adjust home technology on the lock screen. From turning the lights down to adjusting the thermostat, the lock screen offers quick shortcuts that let you take control without having to launch an app first. We’ll show you where they are and how to configure them to your liking.

How to change lock screen shortcuts on Android 12

  1. Scroll down to the bottom of the screen and tap on the three lines in the center.
  2. A new window will open, with a list of your contacts.
  3. Scroll through them and tap on the one you want to add to your contact book.

The button in the lower left corner of your screen looks like a little house.

To access your home controls, tap the three dots in the upper right corner. ..

Edit Controls

To unlock your phone, enter your PIN (or scan your fingerprint).

You can now remove the checkmark to remove the command, and drag the controls into the order you want them.

When you’re finished, tap Save. ..

How to add smart home controls for your lock screen

Next, we’ll discuss adding controls.

The lock screen features a button that looks like a house as described above.

Tap the three dots in the upper right corner to get a list of all the commands available.

Your device will now start up with your chosen account.

The available controls are as follows: -Checkboxes to add or remove checkmarks as desired.

At the bottom of the list, tap other apps.

This gives you the choice of Home or Cat controls. Tap Cat controls to change the cat’s behavior.

This is a toy for children to play with. It has a water bubbler, food bowl and toy.

When finished, tap Save.

Once you finish defining your lock screen controls, they will be available on the home screen by tapping it. ..

Final note

How to change your lock screen shortcuts on Android 12 If you’re like most people, you probably use your Android phone to access the various features and functions of the device. But what about the lockscreen shortcuts? How do you get them changed? There are a few ways to do this, but we’ll take one approach here. First, open the Settings app and scroll down until you find “Lock Screen.” There, you’ll see a list of options for changing your lock screen shortcut settings. The first option is called “Shortcuts.” This setting allows you to add or remove shortcuts from your lockscreen. To add a shortcut, just select it and then click on the Add button. You can name your shortcut whatever you want, but we recommend using something unique and memorable. The next step is to select which launcher to use when your lock screen shortcut is displayed. There are three launchers available: Action Launcher, Holo Launcher, and ADB Launcher. We recommend using Action Launcher because it’s easy to use and has a lot of features available. But if that’s not an option for you or if you don’t have it installed on your device, then choose Holo Launcher or ADB Launcher instead. Once you’ve selected a launcher, click on the “Add” button again and enter the path of where your shortcut will be stored in memory (usually /storage/emulated/0/Android/LockscreenShortcuts). Once everything is set up correctly, press “Save” to make sure everything is saved and then close Settings app. Your lock screen shortcut will now be stored in memory!