How to Build a Live Video Streaming iOS App with Agora 4.x SDK Preview – Guide

Who wants to build a video chat app in an hour? This guide will show you how to quickly and easily build a video chat application that can support multiple participants with the Agora SDK. By following this guide, you can create an app that is easy to use, efficient, and perfect for business meetings or other events.


An iOS device cannot be used with a simulator because the camera is not functional. ..

CocoaPods is a tool that allows you to easily install and use Apple’s Cocoa frameworks.

Now is a new social media platform that lets you share updates and photos with your friends and followers in real time. It’s free to sign up, and you can start using it right away. ..

iOS layout building is a process that starts with understanding how Storyboard works and ends with creating beautiful, responsive iOS apps. This tutorial will teach you how to use Storyboard to create layouts for your apps, including basic tutorials on how to create a basic table view and a list view, as well as more advanced tutorials on creating custom views and animations.

Settings up the library Now with CocoaPods

In Xcode, create a new project called “MyNewProject” and select the “Objective-C” language as the target language. In the “Target Language” field, enter “Objective-C”. In the “Build Phases” field, enter “Release”.

In Terminal, navigate to your project’s root directory and run pod install to install CocoaPods.

import os import time import random Podfile = “./podfile” pod_name = “my-new-pod” pod_version = “1.0.0” pod_description = “My new pod!” Now, you can create a new Podfile and add the following code to it:

Podfile for my-new-pod: name=my-new-pod version=1.0.0 description=My new pod! # Time to run the pod: time=1 # Random number generator: randn()

  • Introduce your app and what it does

  • Showcase some of the features your app has to offer

  • Share how users can get started with your app

  • Talk about any challenges you faced while developing your app Your app is a great way for people to stay connected and organized. It has a lot of features that make it easy for users to get started. However, there were some challenges we faced while developing the app. We hope that our app can help people stay connected and organized. ..

    pod install

Open YourApp.xcworkspace and open the Edit menu to edit your app.

Add Camera and microphone permissions

microphone and camera permission This will allow us to use the microphone and camera without the user’s permission.

Microphone usage in a public place can be uncomfortable and intrusive. In some cases, it can be difficult to determine who is speaking and what they are saying.

The camera is a small, inconspicuous device that attaches to the front of a smartphone or other electronic device to allow users to take pictures and videos without having to take their eyes off the screen. The camera can be used for a variety of purposes, such as taking pictures of friends and family, recording video footage of events, or taking selfies. ..

  1. Allow the user to control how their data is used
  2. Allow the user to manage their privacy settings
  3. Allow the user to control who can see their data
  4. Allow the user to revoke consent for specific applications

Settings up the scene

In our Main.storyboard, we’ll need to add the views that Agora will use to display the video feeds. For our demo, we’ll use a single large view to display our local feed and a collection view to show an arbitrary number of remote users, but feel free to adjust as needed for your own needs.

To keep the local and remote views synchronized, add a View object to the local stream, a UIButton to mute and hang up the call, and a UICollectionView to hold the remote streams. Your UICollectionViewCells can be as simple as a single view to keep the flow going – in the example above I’ve added an overlay to show the remote username if we know it. ..

In your View Controller, create a new class and name it UICollectionViewDelegate. This class will be responsible for setting up the collection view and data source. In your View Controller, set up the collection view as the delegate for the UICollectionView. This will allow you to control how the collection view is displayed. Next, set up the data source as the delegate for the UICollectionView. This will allow you to access and store data in the collection view.

In a typical iOS development project, the view controller is the root of the hierarchy. It is responsible for displaying the user interface (UI) and manages all other controllers in the project. The view controller’s connection to other controllers is through its associated storyboard. A storyboard is a collection of images, videos, or other objects that can be used to create a specific layout for an app. A storyboard can be connected to any number of controllers in your project, but typically one storyboard will contain all of your view controller’s connections. To connect a storyboard to a controller, you first need to identify its associated object in thestoryboard. This object will be either an image or video file that represents the layout you want to create for your app. Once you have identified this object, you can use its properties to connect it to your controller. For example, let’s say you want to create a layout for an app that uses both an image and video as its source material. You would first identify the associated object for our image-based layout in our storyboard: an image file! To connect this file to our view controller, we would use its properties to identify it as an instance of StoryBoardConnection . We then use its Connected property to indicate that we want our viewController connected to this file’s associated storyboard instance.

To connect up your custom collection view cell, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Collection View Cell Editor.
  2. In the Collection View Cell Editor, click on the cell you want to connect to.
  3. In the Connections Inspector, click on the + button and select your custom collection view cell from the list of cells.
  4. Click on OK to finish connecting your cells. ..

Start engine now

To use the Agora engine, we need to create an instance of the AgoraRtcEngineKit class.

Once you have your app ID, we can start the process of retrieving our API key. To do this, we’ll need to open the Agora Dashboard and click on “Settings”. On the next page, under “API Keys”, find the “Now” section and click on it. In the resulting window, copy the key that is displayed in the text field and paste it into a new text field in your browser. Now that we have our API key, we can start retrieving data from Now! To do this, open a new tab in your browser and navigate to Enter your app ID in the top box and hit enter. On the next page, you will be asked to provide some basic information about your project - this includes your name and email address. After filling out this information, hit enter again to continue to the next page where you will be asked to provide some more details about your project - such as its description or category. After providing these details, hit enter one last time to finish up! You now have access to all of Now’s data! ..

To get started with your project, click on the “Edit” button (or open the Project Management panel) to view the details for that project. Copy the app ID and add it to your project. If you have activated the app certificate, you will also need a token to join channels – you can generate a temporary one by clicking “Generate temporary token”. You can also read our tutorial on how to generate your own tokens here. ..

If you want to use the Agora engine, you should first call its initialization function. This function will only be called if the engine has already been initialized, so it’s safe to call it multiple times without worrying about conflicts. ..

Protocol AgoraRtcEngineDelegate { void OnCallBack(object sender, EventArgs e) { } }

Enable Video

The next step is to tell Agora that we want the video enabled and where to place the local video stream. We can then call this function from our viewDidLoad().

join a channel

Now that the engine is initialized, joining a call is as easy as calling joinChannel() in the Now engine. ..

Settings up Remote Video

Now is the time to put our UICollectionView to good use. We will maintain a list of remote user IDs and for each we will define up a remote video screen in our collection. ..

  • function rtcEngine (didJoinedOfUid, didOfflineOfUid) { var id = this . rtcEngine . didJoinedOfUid ; if ( id === null ) { return ; } // Get the user’s UID from the rtcEngine.didJoinedOfUid callback. var userUID = this . rtcEngine . didOfflineOfUid ;

With this new video chat app, you can easily have a conversation with someone without having to worry about audio feedback.


There are a few more pieces we should add to make our app a little nicer. On the one hand, our buttons do not do anything. Let’s fix this first. muting button is a simple call to muteLocalAudioStream():

Calling leaveChannel() will end the current call and disconnect you from the other person. ..

We’ve finished up the development of the app and it’s available here. Thanks for following us and happy programming!

Final note

How to Build a Live Video Streaming iOS App with Agora 4.x SDK Preview This guide will show you how to build a live video streaming iOS app using the Agora 4.x SDK Preview. This SDK is designed for developing mobile applications and allows you to create, manage, and stream video content from your devices. To begin, you will need to install the Agora 4.x SDK Preview on your device. Once installed, open the App Store and search for “Agora 4.x SDK Preview”. Once found, click on the link to download and install the SDK. Once installed, open the App Store and search for “Agora 4.x SDK Preview”. Once found, click on the link to download and install the SDK. Next, we will need to create an application project. To do this, open up your project in Xcode and select File -> New -> Project . In the Project Name field enter “LiveVideoStreamingiOSApp” and click on OK . Now we will need to provide some information about our app. In the Project Settings field enter “Name” (the name of your app) and “Description” (a brief description of your app). Click on OK again and then drag & drop some images into the Image Viewer in order to create our user interface: Now that our user interface is complete, we can start building our codebase! To do this we will first need to add a new dependency onto our project: LiveVideoStreamingiOSApp/Library/Developer/Library/CoreSimulator/Profiles/Runtimes/iOS 11.4 beta 1/simruntime-11BETA1/.platforms/iPhoneOS 11_4_simruntime/.build/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS 11_4_simruntime/* /Users//.local//Library//.gitignore We can now build