How to Block/Unblock Some­body on Hangouts – Guide

Is it true that you’ve finally finished managing your annoying coworker? Is your aunt messing with you with the cat pictures? No worries! This is the way to block someone from Google Hangouts.

If you’re frequently having Google Hangouts in Shift, it can be helpful to block the individual from any Google accounts you’d rather not appear on.

Blocking someone on LinkedIn can feel like a way to avoid confrontation or rejection. But what if the person you block is actually looking for a conversation? If you’re considering blocking someone on LinkedIn, be aware that they may not know it. Here’s how to avoid letting them know you blocked them without actually saying anything. ..

How to block someone from Google Hangouts

If you want to block or ignore someone in a Hangouts chat, just follow these steps:

  1. Open the Hangouts app and sign in.
  2. In the main chat window, click on the three lines in the top left corner (or press Command+3 on a Mac).
  3. In the “Block” column, click on the person you want to block or ignore.
  4. In the “Ignore” column, click on the person you want to ignore.
  5. Click on “Block” or “Ignore.” ..

Sign in to your Google account and use the Hangouts app on your phone or computer.

Hi, I hope you’re doing well. I wanted to invite you to a one-on-one conversation or invitation for the person I want to block.

Chat Options allow you to customize your chat experience by adjusting settings like font size, background color, and more. ..

On the Block screen, click Add On the Add screen, type “Block” and click OK

Please confirm that you want to block this user.

How to Unlock someone on Google Hangouts

You can unlock people in Hangouts by setting up a profile and selecting “Unlock Friends.”

To join a Hangout, sign in to your Google account at, in Gmail, or using the Chrome Hangouts extension.

3-line menu:

  1. Choose a topic.
  2. Click on the “Share” button to share your article with others on social media or in other ways.
  3. Click on the “Cancel” button to close this window and return to the main window.

Settings in the menu allow you to change how your computer behaves.

In the blocked people screen, you will see a list of people who have been blocked by you.

To the right of the name, click Unlock to unlock the phone.

Final note

If you want to block or unblock someone on Hangouts, this guide will show you how. If you have any questions about it, feel free to ask us in the comments. Plus, share this guide with your friends if you like it! ..