How to Add/Remove eBooks Using Google Play Books on PC and Mobile – Guide

  1. Open the Google Books search engine and type in “books.”
  2. You will see a list of books that are available for download.
  3. Click on the book that you want to download.
  4. You will be taken to a page where you can choose to save the book or read it offline.

Google Play Books is an app that allows you to read e-books, listen to e-books, and download e-books. We are currently collecting more e-books than at any other time in recent memory. In addition, we have a greater number of devices than at any one time.

Enable in-app book uploads

PDF and EPUB files can be loaded from the app and their desktop counterpart.

In order to upload The Giver through the Play Books app, you must first log in and enable file upload. This is not necessary in the web version of the book.

When you open up the app, click on these three lines next to the book in the upper left corner of the screen to bring up the “hamburger menu”. Select “Settings”.

To enable PDF upload, go to the settings menu and check “Enable PDF upload.” ..

Uploading books using the app

You can now upload your books to Candy! ..

To upload a file, you need to save it to your phone or tablet. Access the file after downloading it by selecting it from the notifications menu or where you’ll see the rest of your notifications. You can also access the file under “Downloads” on many devices, which you can see as an icon where you access the rest of your apps. Once you find the file you want to upload, select it.

I downloaded The Giver from a school website and found it under “Downloads”.

After selecting the file, you will be given a few different options. Select “Upload to Play Books.” ..

This pop-up explains that the upload may take a few minutes. Click “Got it” to continue.

Once the upload is complete, you’ll see a message like this. It should take a few minutes for the process to finish. For me, it was over in a minute or two and I was able to access the loaded book right away. I’ve definitely heard that it takes more time for other people, but be patient. Good things come to those who wait."

Steps to Upload Your Books

Google Play Books is a website where you can upload books to be read on your computer or through your Google Drive.

  1. Log in to your Google Play account and click on the “Books” tab.
  2. Click on the “Import books” button.
  3. Enter your ebooks’ titles into the text field and click on the “Import” button.
  4. Your books will be imported into Google Play Books and you will be able to access them from your Google Play account just like any other book!

If you don’t have a Google account, create one now. Open Google Play and sign in to your Google account if prompted. If you don’t have a Google account, create one now. ..

Browse the ebook by selecting files to upload.

To upload a book from your computer, go to the Upload tab on the left. Otherwise, look under My Drive on the Google Drive website to choose an ebook from your account. ..

Choose which books you want to send.

Your items may take a few minutes for the cover art to appear. In some cases, the cover will not appear and you will have a generic cover or the first page of the book. There doesn’t seem to be a way to fix this issue at the moment, but customizable covers may be in the future feature.

The lack of an organized system for books makes it difficult to find and use them. You can’t search your library for books, and they’re only organized into separate sections: uploads, purchases, rentals, and samples. This makes it difficult to find and use them.

Problems solution

  1. Check to see if your books are in the “Public Domain” section of Google Play Books. This means that they are no longer under copyright and can be used without permission from the author or publisher.
  2. Check to see if your books are in the “Google Play Books for Android” section of Google Play Books. This means that you can access them on your Android device, even if you don’t have a Google account.
  3. Check to see if your books are in the “Google Play Books for iOS” section of Google Play Books. This means that you can access them on your iPhone or iPad, even if you don’t have a Google account.

To ensure your e-book is compatible with the Kindle, we recommend that you convert it to EPUB or PDF format. If you have any other format, such as MOBI, convert it using a document converter program like Caliber. DRM-protected books are not supported. ..

Do you have many books? Currently, Google only allows you to upload 1,000 books. You may have to prioritize the documents you want to store in the cloud or figure out a way to distribute them across accounts.

If you upload a file and it looks good but then disappears, you probably uploaded it to the wrong account. If you no longer have the original, download it from Google Play Books and upload it again to the correct account. ..


In the Google Books launch, they said that they were going to make it so that you could upload your own books. They didn’t do it, but they promised that they would in the future. In this article, I am going to tell you about how you can upload your own books to Google Books.

Google Play Books used to let you download books and put them into another reading program. This is still possible, but there are some drawbacks. If you use a local ebook reader app like Aldiko, your books are also local. When you choose up your tablet, you can’t continue the book you were reading on your phone. If you lose your phone, there is no support for those books elsewhere. ..

The reality of the e-book market today is that most people who read e-books prefer to buy them, but they can still read them all from one place.

Final note

How to Add/Remove eBooks Using Google Play Books on PC and Mobile If you’re looking to add or remove eBooks from your Google Play Books account, we’ve got the guide for you. This guide will show you how to add and remove books from your account using the Google Play Books app on PC and mobile devices. To begin, open the Google Play Books app on your PC or mobile device. Once open, click on the three lines in the top left corner of the main screen. This will take you to a list of devices that your account is compatible with. If you’re not sure which device is compatible with your account, please check our support page for more information. Once you’ve found a compatible device, click on the blue “Add” button at the bottom of this list. This will take you to a new page where you’ll need to provide some information about your book collection and what devices they can be used on. We recommend that you create a new collection if you have any large books or series that need multiple devices to read them all at once. Once complete, click on “Add Book” at the bottom of this page and wait for it to load in your browser. Once it’s loaded, select one of your existing eBooks from within Google Play Books and hit “Add To Library.” You’ll now be able to read and enjoy these books just like any other book!