Guide: How to Put Watermark on PDF files on MacOS

If you want to protect your PDFs with a watermark, you can try this:

  1. Create a watermarking program on your computer with the help of an app called Automator.
  2. Add your watermark to every page of your PDF.
  3. Save the PDF with the watermarking program. ..

Step 1: Find your watermark image

The first step is to find the image you want to use as your watermark. This could be your logo, a picture of your face, or anything else you want. Next, you need to make sure that the image is saved in a location on your computer where my steps below can access it. If you create this watermark app but then move the file you use to watermark PDFs, everything will break. So be sure to keep the image where I can find it! Finally, I need you to do something called “copying and pasting.” This means that you need to copy the image from its saved location on your computer into a text document. Then, after pasting the text document into this online tool here, I’ll be able to use it as my watermark. ..

Step 2: Create your Automator Watermark app

To create a custom watermark for your PDFs, start by opening Automator. In the Automator window, select New document or choose File> New via the menu bar at the top of the screen. Select in the window that appears Print plug-in and click Select. Select now PDFs from the left-most sidebar, then Watermark PDF documents in the middle panel. Then drag Watermark PDF documents to the rightmost part of the window. Click on the Add button displayed at the top of the Watermark PDF Documents action and navigate to your file you chose as your watermark image. Then click Open.Now that you’ve chosen your watermark image, use the rest of the sliders and options to configure your action to your preferences. For example, you can change the size of your watermark with Scale slider, or use Opacity slider to set balance between visibility and opacity so as not to obscure text below highlight. As you make changes, preview window updates with an idea about how final watermark will look. Finally save your Automator promotion by choosing File> Save or press Command-S. When you do this, you will be asked to give it a name, so type in something recognizable ..

Step 3: Use your watermark app

This is where fun comes in. Now that you’ve created your watermark app using Automator’s print plug-in action, you can open it from almost any program, such as the Mac’s built-in PDF viewer, Preview. So if you open a PDF in that program, find and use your Print Plugin creation as follows: First pretend you are going to print the file you want to watermark by choosing File> Print from the menus at the top or by pressing Command-P. In the print dialog box, look for the “PDF” drop-down menu at the bottom left. Click on it and you should see the name of the Automator print plugin you created.Choose that Watermark option and the app will automatically create a PDF for you with the watermark you defined in Automator.At that point, you should be sure to save your new watermarked PDF somewhere you can easily find it, but feel free to email, upload, or archive it as needed. If working in a word processing program such as Microsoft Word or Pages (both of which have their own watermarking capabilities), select File> Print and locate your Print Plugin as shown above to generate a PDF and watermark everything in one step (although it should be noted that Microsoft Word has its own watermarking capabilities). If working in Preview (an app available on both Macs and PCs), select File> Open from within Preview to access your Print Plugin; alternatively hold down Option when clicking on File> Open within Preview to access an alternate Library item containing your Print Plugin–this is especially useful if Automator is not installed on your Mac or if there is no Automator installed on your Mac but there is an existing workflow located within Library called “Automator.” Finally, if working with an existing document where Automator was previously used to create a plugin–for example by selecting Finder’s Go menu > ..

How to Put Watermark on PDF files on MacOS: benefits


Final note

This guide will show you how to put a watermark on PDF files on MacOS. If you have any questions about this article, please feel free to ask us in the comments below. Additionally, please share this article with your friends if you enjoyed it! ..

If you have any questions about how to put watermark on PDF files on MacOS, then please ask us through the comment section below or directly contact us. Our team is always happy to help you.