Fix ‘Cel­lu­lar Data Grayed Out on iPad/iPhone’ Issue – Guide

If you’re having trouble connecting your iPhone or iPad to the Internet using cellular data, there are some solutions you can try that may well solve your problem. Here are a few:

  • Try turning off your phone’s cellular data service. This will likely fix the issue.
  • Try resetting your phone’s settings. This may fix the issue if it’s not working properly before.

If your mobile data is not working, it could be for a number of reasons. It could be due to poor connectivity in your area or a lack of mobile full internet coverage, a system bug, a physical problem with your device or SIM card, or simply that you forgot to call mobile data or turn off flight mode. Your device may simply need a software update. Some of these reasons your data isn’t working are easy to fix, so let’s get started.

Fix the cellular network data dim issue on iPhone and iPad

Disable mobile data restrictions

On your iPhone or iPad, open the Settings app. Tap Screen Time and then Content and Privacy Restrictions. You can restrict how much time you spend on specific apps or websites. ..

Scroll down the Content and Privacy Restrictions screen at the bottom. Then tap Cellular Data Changes. If you want to change your cellular data plan, you can do so by scrolling down to the Cellular Data Changes screen at the bottom of this page.

On the mobile changes screen that appears below, tap the Allow button. Enter your screen time password. On the mobile changes screen that appears below, tap the Allow button. Once you have entered your password, a message will appear stating that your account has been updated. Tap OK to continue. ..

After updating to iOS 11, the Mobile icon should no longer be dimmed in the Control Center. ..

Cellular and Wi-Fi settings are all the same. ..

If the Mobile icon always appears grayed out (and disabled), make sure Airplane mode is enabled – in this case, the Airplane icon in the Control Center should be a distinct orange color. Tap the icon to turn off airplane mode.

About MDM Profiles

To check if an MDM profile is installed on a device, you can use the following command: mdm list


Apple’s new iOS 11.4 beta 2 includes a number of new features and improvements, but one of the most important changes is the addition of device profiles and management. This feature allows users to create custom profiles for their devices, which can be used to customize their experience with Apple products. By creating a profile for each device, users can keep track of their devices’ performance, settings, and preferences in one place. This can help users save time and energy when using Apple products, as well as make it easier to troubleshoot problems.

If the government is so restrictive, why are people still using it?

Final note

If you’re having trouble viewing your photos or videos on your iPad or iPhone, there is a quick and easy fix. Follow our guide to fixing “celular data grayed out on iPad/iPhone.” ..